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Wang Yuetao Attends "Belt and Road" Energy Ministers' Meeting


On October 23, the 3rd "Belt and Road" Energy Ministers' Meeting was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Energy ministers, ambassadors to China, and high-level representatives from 27 countries, leaders of 4 international organizations, and more than 600 representatives from Chinese and foreign enterprises, research institutions, and universities attended the meeting. Zhang Jianhua, Director General of the National Energy Administration, and Zhou Naixiang, Governor of Shandong Province, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony. As an invited entity, ZhenHua Oil's Chairman of the Board, Wang Yuetao, led a delegation to attend the meeting and engaged in extensive exchanges with various representatives.

The theme of this "Belt and Road" Energy Ministers' Meeting was "Moving Forward to New Horizons, Cooperating for Mutual Benefit". Participants had in-depth and comprehensive discussions on important topics such as energy transition and energy security, development trends of new technologies like new energy storage and advanced nuclear power technologies, applications of new technologies like artificial intelligence in the energy industry, promoting the use and international mutual recognition of green electricity and green certificates, and maintaining the stability and smooth flow of energy industry and supply chains. During the meeting, member countries of the "Belt and Road" Energy Cooperation Partnership jointly held an expansion ceremony, established the Secretariat Office of the "Belt and Road" Energy Cooperation Partnership, initiated the establishment of the "Belt and Road" Energy Cooperation Partnership Cooperation Network Think Tank Working Group, and released the "Green Development Action Plan for 'Belt and Road' Energy Cooperation (2024-2029)", best practices of "small is beautiful" international energy cooperation, and the Think Tank Report "Blue Book on Green Transformation of Power Systems in Developing Countries". Participants generally believed that countries should take the "Belt and Road" Energy Cooperation Partnership as a bond to jointly address global climate change challenges and global energy transition, jointly achieve sustainable energy development, and build a clean and beautiful world together.
